fieldwork in Snakistan
Trying to come up with a thesis topic is a daunting task, so I was thrilled to stumble upon the perfect research project while reading The Onion today.
"Citing crumbling relations due to years of protracted french-onion diplomacy, the president of the Central Asian doritocracy Fritolaysia withdrew the country's ambassadors from Snakistan Monday."
It was like a calling from above. "Rachel! Go to Snakistan, and fast! They need your expert conflict-resolution skills."
Probelm solved. Thesis topic in the box.
"Citing crumbling relations due to years of protracted french-onion diplomacy, the president of the Central Asian doritocracy Fritolaysia withdrew the country's ambassadors from Snakistan Monday."
It was like a calling from above. "Rachel! Go to Snakistan, and fast! They need your expert conflict-resolution skills."
Probelm solved. Thesis topic in the box.
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