a thousand miles behind

Sunday, January 22, 2006

in a black-out with a blind man

I felt very confused the other day at work when the power suddenly went out in the entire National Center for Telemedisin. I mean, what are you supposed to tell a blind man?

"Uhm. Well, now it's totally dark in this building."

I was waiting for him to say "You're telling me," or "Welcome to my world," or "Oh, I hadn't noticed."

And why is it that everyone's initial reaction is to say: "The power must have gone out!" like they are the only person in the world who came to that conclusion? HELLO! When the entire place goes dark and we are basked in the glow of the green emergency exit lights - yes, they are green in Norway, which is much more soothing than red...I would feel way more comfortable running towards a shining green light during a fire or earthquake or armageddon than a glaring red one, know what I mean? - the logical conclusion is that we have, indeed, lost power.

Oh, the irony of sitting in a wind/rain-induced black-out the day before the sun is supposed to come back to Trosmo! If that isn't Mother Nature (Or Mamma Natur, as Scott called her recently) giving you a wet willy, I'm not sure what is.


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