a thousand miles behind

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

just call me south point r

I have moved to Sydspissen (the south point of the island) and have a new address. However, becuase there are some creepies out there on the www I won't post my new address here. Just remember, if you need to get in touch with me via snail mail, contact me for the new address first!

I have welcomed myself back to nature with a quiet post-thesis evening at the house.
It's absolutely fantastic.


  • At 1:25 PM , Blogger Silje said...

    I'm glad to finally have you as a neighbour! Kanskje jeg skal driste meg til å rusle bortom sånn litt tilfeldig en dag, bare plutselig ringe på døra liksom, sånn som folk gjorde på 80-tallet. Hello south point r, skal jeg si da, har du kaffe?


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