a thousand miles behind

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

the sun also rises

I don't have curtains in my room and I just moved my bed closer to the window.
Because there's nothing better than being woken up by the sun, reaching blindly for my glasses, seeing that it is only 4.30 in the morning, and falling back asleep for another three hours.

I went to a place called Oldervik with Tove and Espen and Lars yesterday. The weather was beautiful and we had a picnic. These things happened:

- Espen found a long, red, hollow pole that made fantastic noises when he blew into it in the water.
- The water was so still that I couldn't see it when it pooled on the rocks. I stepped into at least three small lakes. Very wet.
- We could break rocks in half with our hands.
- Lars defined the word "gondola" as "anything that floats."
- There was slate everywhere.
- I found a perfectly flat and thin triangular rock. I wanted to make sure it wouldn't break. It broke. Not so triangular anymore.
- Tove supplied us with bags so that we could take some rocks home with us. I found about fifty pounds worth.
- My bag broke.
- We got a flat tire.
- Espen changed the tire.
- I smeared dirt on my hands and jeans to prove to my choir director that "I really was stuck in Oldervik with a flat tire and that's why I'm 30 minutes late to rehearsal." He believed me.


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